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Visual Impairment : The ' Smartphone' based screening !!!

Visual Impairment : The ' Smartphone' based screening !!! Visual Impairment in Childhood prevails as a Major public health concern and it requires proper screening and early diagnosis. A smartphone based eyesight test and Peak acuity test, sight simulation referral cards and short message service (SMS) reminders were used as a referral system to exam on Peak School Eye health. In addition Standard care such as Snellens Timbling E cars and written referral was examined for its effectiveness [1] . The snellan chart limitations overcome log MAR acuity harts development which are now often used in Early treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study  (ETDRS) charts and other clinical research [2] . Evolution of mobile phones technology has been increased rapidly, By 2013 the population i.e. 280 million of 1.4 billion sold telephones were smartphones and expecting the increased proportion in the upcoming years [3] . Mobile technologies with its enormous advantages in healthcare info
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